Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dr. Nicholas Lynch: Success at Chico State

We love to hear stories about professors and students excelling in their fields, especially when they are our very own. This month, we sat down with the distinguished and very active Dr. Nicholas Lynch, who is making big contributions to the emerging area of Corporate Social Responsibility reporting through his research publications. Dr. Lynch is an outstanding addition to the Chico State accounting department, and comes to us having industry experience with a Northeastern regional firm in addition to his most recent professorial position with Georgia Southern University. He earned his PhD in Accountancy from Mississippi State University and also holds degrees from Villanova and Bryant Universities. Even with how busy Dr. Lynch is professionally and in the campus community, he still makes time for a few of his hobbies such as swimming, hiking, and especially snowboarding in Tahoe.

Dr. Lynch teaches primarily in a financial accounting track; however in Fall 2014 he will be adding an accounting ethics course to his focus that will be available to students who are completing the newly created professional accounting certificate offered only at Chico State. PhDs like Dr. Lynch are instrumental in growing our professional accounting certificate and providing expertise in a competitive Masters of Accountancy graduate program down the road.

Dr. Lynch’s research has been honored with the Max Block Distinguished Article Award for Policy Analysis in 2012 for his article entitled "The Controversy over Private Company Reporting Standards: Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel and the Financial Accounting Foundation's Response Spark New Debate." In the article, he explores the creation of GAAP for private companies and a comprehensive overview of the standards-setting developments in this area.

His most recent research piece focuses on the field of sustainability reporting and resonates perfectly with the university ethos. The article was published and selected as the feature article in the March 2014 issue of the CPA Journal. The CPA Journal is published by the New York State Society of CPAs, and has been in circulation for nearly 80 years. The CPA Journal is broadly recognized as an outstanding, technical-refereed publication aimed at accounting practitioners, educators, regulators, and other financial professionals. The journal provides analysis, perspective, and debate on the issues affecting the financial world.

An excerpt from the abstract may be read below:

In today’s global business environment, external pressures including climate change, scarce resources, population growth, and the emergence of developing nations are driving businesses to focus on more than just financial reporting. In the United States and throughout the world, companies are spending increasing amounts of time and money dealing with issues of corporate social responsibility including sustainability and reporting the results of their efforts to stakeholders. Sustainability performance can be defined as a corporate focus on how a business interacts with its supply chain, the environment, and society at large to optimize resource allocation while creating long-term value. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports, which include sustainability reports, can be issued as a standalone report, as a part of the annual report, and/or as an integrated portion of the company’s website. CSR reports include disclosures of material social and environmental issues such as a company’s climate change risk, corporate governance structure, target setting and tracking of emissions and waste management, number of environmental accidents, effective supply chain management such as environmental screenings of new suppliers, and the level of employee and community involvement in the companies’ corporate responsibility change strategy.

This upward trend in voluntary CSR reporting by U.S. companies raises a number of important questions and presents substantial opportunities for CPAs. CPAs are in a unique position to understand a company’s business and provide objective advice and reporting on sustainability issues; thus, they should remain informed of emerging topics such as (1) the lack of a single set of generally accepted CSR measures and reporting principles, which creates comparability issues across companies and within industry groups; (2) the response by management and governance bodies to sustainability issues within companies, including a discussion of the internal measurement and control systems necessary to successfully implement a CSR strategy for improvement or change; (3) the move toward integrated reporting, which involves a full integration of sustainability measures and disclosures into an organization’s regular reporting framework so that CSR information is indistinguishable from other key business information; and (4) the assistance that CPAs can provide by developing a knowledge base in sustainability services, such as risk and opportunity analyses, tax incentive and credit reviews, and attestation for CSR reports.

This article takes an in-depth look at CSR reporting from both an international and a domestic perspective; and discusses potential opportunities for CPAs to get involved in the sustainability reporting process. When it comes to sustainability efforts, many business executives have set aside regulatory uncertainties and are taking their cues from a broader set of stakeholders. The time for CPAs to become involved in the sustainability assurance and attestation market is now. 

The Expanding Use of Sustainability Reporting, By: Lynch, Nicholas C.; Lynch, Michael F.; and Casten, David B. CPA Journal. Mar2014, p18-24. 7p.

The full publication is accessible through the Business Source Premier academic database which is available through the university catalog:

The full article is also available on The CPA Journal website:

We look forward to hearing more of Dr. Lynch's impact on accounting at large and learning from his success in the classroom.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Spring 2014 Officers

Left to Right: Ron Barker, Suzie Bailey, Rachel Maneggio, Taryn Barnard (not pictured: Pedro Villa)


Hello, I'm Ron Barker. I am three semesters away from graduating. I enjoy going to Upper Park with my fiance and Beagle, reading car blogs and selling tickets to concerts.

My name is Suzanna Bailey and I am the current President of the Accounting Society and a member of Beta Alpha Psi.  I am currently in my third year of the MBA with an Accounting Emphasis Program.  In 2004, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Science with a Minor in Biology.  When I am not in class, I am a Receptionist at Chico State's Student Health Center, an EMT in the summer at Pacific Coast Producers, and a Unit Secretary at Enloe.  My hobbies are spending time with family and friends, sport shooting, watching movies, mountain biking, water-skiing, and photography.

Hi, my name is Rachel. I am an accounting major pursuing CPA. I am a fifth year. I am also involved in another club on campus called intervarsity.

Hello. My name is Taryn Barnard, I am currently a senior graduating in December. I work in the Associated Students/Research Foundation Business Office.  When I am not busy with work or school I enjoy cooking, photography, archery and spending time with my puppies. Since I have such a love for animals, I hope one day to have a small zoo in my backyard.

My name is Pedro Villa. I am a Senior with two more semesters left to graduate. I will graduate spring15 as an Accounting and Finance major as well with a certificate in accounting. I like to watch any sport, but I prefer to watch soccer and football. I also enjoy dancing Salsa. I recently joined a team from Sacramento. I also like going out to eat. But I enjoy cooking my own food more.

Left to Right: Andrew Loveless, Jonathan Boothe, Lizzie Richter, Amy Leach, Gabe Penfield, Brad Hill, Teela Pejsa (not pictured: Cole Felt)


Hello, I'm Andrew Loveless , I will be graduating in Spring '15 with an Accounting degree and then sitting for the CPA exam. When my face isn't buried in a text book, it is buried in a computer where I'm a web developer for an amazing non-profit called One Media Player per Teacher. If I'm not programming then I've been known to run the Bidwell Park trails to get a little sunshine.

Hello my name is Jon Boothe and I like to refer to myself as "awesome extraordinaire!" I graduate Spring 2015. I like hiking, biking and long walks on the beach. I'm always willing to help anyone in need.

Hi, my name is Lizzie Richter. I'm pursing a degree in both Accounting and Spanish Language. I am from Knights Landing, CA, a small farming town. My initial interest in accounting began because I wanted to be able to help at my family's farm if they ever needed me. Upon graduation, I am planning to begin a career as an auditor. When I'm not studying at Starbucks, I spend my free time swimming and doing CrossFit. 

Hello, my name is Amy Leach. I am currently in my last semester of college where I will complete all requirements to obtain my CPA. I love having a good time with family and friends, and enjoy being involved in the Accounting Club.

Hi, I'm Gabe Penfield. I grew up in Hawaii and moved to California when I was 12. After attending high school in Santa Rosa, I started college and realized I wanted to work for a while before deciding what I wanted to do as a career. I held a job in telecommunication sales for 3 years before I found my calling to return to college as an accounting major. Since then, I have greatly enjoyed studying accounting at CSU Chico and embracing the great activities the community has to offer such as mounting biking in Upper Bidwell Park. I look forward to obtaining my CPA license and starting a career in public accounting when I graduate in fall of 2014. 

Hi I'm Brad Hill and am a senior. On Wednesday nights I play basketball for Matson & Isom then go to trivia night at Woodstocks.

Teela decided she wanted to be an accountant in high school. After almost changing her mind a few times, she will be graduating in May. Teela enjoys journal entries and cuddling with her cat.

My name is Cole Felt and I am from Rio Vista which is in the Sacramento River Delta of California. I am extremely passionate about giving back to the community through Rotary sponsored programs, improving my financial literacy, and teaching others about financial literacy. On the weekends I play soccer at 20th Street Park where the Chico State Accounting Department's infamous Wallace Leese can also be found playing soccer. 

Our first Club Meeting, "Meet the Club" was Tuesday, February 4, 2014. Accounting Department Chair, Tim Kizirian and College of Business Dean Hennessey gave great speeches welcoming students back for the Spring Semester.

Here are some pictures of the officers after the first meeting.

Friday, July 12, 2013

A Message from Dr. Tim Kizirian: Department Chair of Accounting

Dear Alumni,
The main goal of the Department of Accounting is student success.  It follows then that we are most pleased that we continue to place 100% of our accounting students into meaningful careers.  The department continues to successfully increase the prestige of our recruiter profile and expand our recruiter base as new firms learn about our excellent students.  We are also are excited to report that we have two new tenure track hires who will be starting next Fall.  They are excellent teachers and they will be teaching intermediate financial accounting.
We have fully implemented the new 30 unit Professional Accounting Certificate (PAC).  The PAC is becoming popular as it is seen by recruiters and students as aquality pathway to address the “extra” 30 units in the new 150 hour rule.  We are excited about Senate Bill 823 (forthcoming) which we fully expect to contain provisions allowing PAC students to sit for the CPA Exam before posting graduation.  This means Chico PAC students have the ability to graduate with 150 quality units and have the CPA Exam passed before they enter the profession.  This means even greater marketability for our students.
We invite our alumni to contact us so that we can connect you with the faculty and the students.  You always inspire and motivate our students to keep up the good work.  You help them to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.  The hard work does pay off!
Thank you,
Tim Kizirian
Department Chair
Department of Accounting

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Letter from the Presidents

Welcome to the 3rd annual Accounting Alumni Newsletter! We are happy to announce that this year has been both exciting and productive for the accounting students, faculty, department, and club. The faculty and department have been working fervently to create opportunities for students and to uphold the superior reputation of the Accounting major. The Accounting Club- both the Accounting Society and Beta Alpha Psi- has demonstrated excellence through student involvement, service to the club and community, and through professional development.

We are very enthused that Chico State created a program that directly addresses the new 150-hour rule requirement for all those striving to become Certified Public Accountants.  A dedicated group of individuals created the Professional Accounting Certificate (PAC).  Students who graduate with the PAC will enjoy a great advantage when they enter the job market. The certificate is an enormous accomplishment for our department. We are one of the first colleges to create a program that addresses the 150-hour rule in such an advantageous way.

The past year has been very rewarding for the club and students alike.  We have had a steady growth in membership, causing the club to be widely recognized in the College of Business.  Members have been doing their part through involvement and service in the community and on campus.  In addition, the club is part of an ongoing community service project in conjunction with the College of Business.  This community service project is helping to improve and maintain the historical Patrick Ranch Museum in Durham, CA. 
Member participation is at an all-time high and the Accounting Club is very proud of its members. A large majority are partaking in professional development activities such as Meet the Firms, professional etiquette dinners, networking events, job interviews, and internships.  We also have many who have started new careers or who have accepted new career opportunities.  We wish all our members success in their upcoming endeavors!

It has been a fulfilling experience to be a part of such a revered club and to serve as the Presidents of Accounting Society and Beta Alpha Psi.   We would like to thank everyone for all their hard work and dedication this past year. The Accounting Club has distinguished itself for producing not just well-prepared accountants, but well-rounded individuals.

Joe Messer (BAP) and Amy Leach (AS) 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Crystal Estes: A Model of Excellence

Every Tuesday night during the semester at 7 PM, nearly 80 students fill a classroom to network with each other and with recruiters at the Accounting Club meetings.  Two years ago membership wasn’t even half that number. At the root of this tremendous spike in numbers is Crystal Estes, former Beta Alpha Psi member and Chico State graduate. Besides having her own successful career as a CPA, Estes is a professor at Chico State. By offering students some “class incentives” for joining, along with her power of persuasion, she has (arguably) singlehandedly caused the club’s growth.
Estes recalls her own reluctance to join the club(s) when she was a student and how overwhelmed she felt trying to establish herself in a competitive marketplace. “I remembered what it felt like to not know what I was doing when it came to getting a job,” she said.  But it still took a lot of persuading to get her to show up.  So she works hard to persuade her students to see that Beta Alpha Psi is worth their time and that their efforts will be rewarded.
She has certainly succeeded. Most students remain as active club members until graduation.  Estes has created a form of sustainable growth for Beta Alpha Psi. Both students and recruiters are benefitting as a result.
Beyond merely motivating students to become members of Beta Alpha Psi, Estes’ own career path coupled with her passion for accounting provides an inspiring model for her students. Estes joined Beta Alpha Psi during her senior year. She was working at the Wal-Mart distribution center in order to put herself through school and she was also married to her husband, Chris. She had minimal spare time. But she and a small group of girls decided it was time to join after hearing another club member speak about the club in class. It is a decision she has never regretted. She held an officer position her second semester and was the VP Tech when she graduated in December of 2008. She had six job offers. She went directly to work at Matson & Isom for about two years. From there she moved to an industry job. In May of 2012 she began working at Auctiva where she is currently the Controller.
Estes’ first semester as a professor was in the Fall of 2010. She says she was just “in the right place at the right time” when Dr. Tim Kizirian called to see if she would be interested in the position. Her first class was ACCT 422, Accounting Controls and Asset Management for Small Businesses. Despite being “the most nerve-wracking experience of [her] life,” she loved it. The students loved her too. The rest is history.
Estes confessed that she is still torn about what she wants to be when she grows up- a professor or a CPA. “I love both,” she said, “and I’m really fortunate that I don’t have to decide yet…. I have the best of both worlds.” While Estes may feel spoiled by her career, it is the students at Chico State who are spoiled to have a wonderful professor. Her love for accounting is infectious and because of her strong industry knowledge, students have the ideal learning environment. Crystal Estes has not only bolstered Beta Alpha Psi, she continues be a living illustration of the success and personal fulfillment that are possible in accounting. We are all blessed to have her on campus.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Alumni Giving Back: Jeff Gutsch, Partner at Moss Adams LLP

It is always inspiring and motivational when successful CSU Chico alumni speak at our weekly Accounting Club meetings. Jeff Gutsch, Partner at Moss Adams LLP, returns each semester to Chico where he completed his undergraduate degree in Accounting in 1987. Jeff provides an excellent presentation to the Accounting Club and shows how the field can be rewarding yet very challenging.  His commitment and willingness to take time out of his busy schedule to speak to the club is deeply appreciated and enjoyed by many.  

During his education at CSU Chico, Jeff took advantage of the several great aspects about the community. He would ride his motorcycle up to Honey Run and fish in the creek or visit Bear Hole for a swim in Upper Bidwell. Enjoying the outdoors and establishing a well-rounded social and academic life were major drivers in the valuable experience Jeff had at Chico State. He developed work experience as a pension consultant and administrator for Ken Callan & Associates and also provided bookkeeping for the Italian Cottage. As a part of the fraternity Theta Chi, there was a strong need to maintain balance between fun activities and classwork especially when faced with the rigorous curriculum of CSU Chico’s Accounting Option. Jeff remembers one of his professors being particularly challenging. This professor still teaches and is an integral figure in the accounting department today. “Even though Dr. Leese’s classes could be frustrating and required countless hours of tedious studying, I feel his method of teaching benefited me greatly in the long-run,” Jeff reminisces. Many current students in Cost Accounting courses can relate to this sentiment – Dr. Leese’s courses are considered some of the most difficult in the entire major.

After finishing his education in Chico, Jeff returned to Santa Rosa and started his career with a small local CPA firm, where he excelled in public accounting. During the years following Jeff grew to enjoy and take pride in his work while developing meaningful relationships with his clients. Currently a partner at Moss Adams LLP, he has had the opportunity to take part in many valuable and engaging projects. A recent endeavor was the opening of a new office in Napa, which Jeff coordinated and made possible. Since he takes interest in the wine industry and has written numerous articles on vineyard and winery management, he finds a great deal of joy in his career and the clients he has the opportunity to work with. This is the root of one of the most influential pieces of advice he provides for students. “Make sure to find a firm that has a culture and is in an industry that allows you to thrive and enjoy the clients you’ll work with on a daily basis. If you can develop a passion for the line of work, the success will follow”. The Accounting Society and Beta Alpha Psi look forward to having Jeff return for future meetings and continue to motivate and engage the next generation of accountants from CSU Chico.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Meet ACCT 451: CSU Chico Students' Competitive Edge

As many of you are probably already aware, California passed legislation requiring CPA candidates to have at least 150 hours of credit to be eligible to become certified.  Since only 120 units are required to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree, colleges have had to find a way to cope with the change.  Many are telling students to either get a Masters or to take “filler” classes.

The accounting faculty at Chico State, however, wasn't satisfied with that solution.  Instead, they devoted countless hours to designing a Professional Accounting Certificate (PAC) program.  Department Chair, Dr. Tim Kizirian, explained, “Chico’s desire is to address the 150 hour rule in a quality manner. We want our students to be competitive in the marketplace.  We don’t want our students to take 30 ‘extra’ units of ‘Frisbee class.’” In order to make the PAC a reality, old classes have been restructured and new ones have been created.

Meet ACCT 451: “Simulation Laboratory Accounting.” It is one of the courses created for the PAC.  A brilliant idea by our own Dr. Kizirian, ACCT 451 students will actually earn university credit toward the PAC for CPA exam preparation.  By completing all four modules of a CPA review course of the student’s own choice, students will earn 6 units of credit towards the PAC.  Dr. Kizirian is the “professor” who monitors student progress in ACCT 451.  He will log in to the student’s CPA review course homework and test manager systems to monitor progress in the CPA review course study modules.

This class is what is really going to give Chico State students an edge. Not only will students graduate with a solid 30 additional units of accounting-related coursework, they will be prepared for parts of the CPA exam.  The first day in the office, Chico accounting graduates will face a steep learning curve like any other new recruit.  But Chico grads won’t have to simultaneously tackle the grueling task of studying for all four parts of the CPA exam.  A huge part of what can seem an insurmountable task will already be done.

They’re still going to be stressed and freaked out by those first few years in the profession. But Chico students are going to be far ahead of the curve.  Thanks to the faculty, the 150-hour rule is another chance for Chico State students to shine.  ACCT 451 and the PAC will prepare them for post-graduation realities. Chico students will be able to inform recruiters they are already progressing towards CPA licensure. This is just more evidence that Chico students can out-perform the competition.