Dear Alumni,
The main goal of the Department of Accounting is student success. It follows then that we are most pleased that we continue to place 100% of our accounting students into meaningful careers. The department continues to successfully increase the prestige of our recruiter profile and expand our recruiter base as new firms learn about our excellent students. We are also are excited to report that we have two new tenure track hires who will be starting next Fall. They are excellent teachers and they will be teaching intermediate financial accounting.
We have fully implemented the new 30 unit Professional Accounting Certificate (PAC). The PAC is becoming popular as it is seen by recruiters and students as aquality pathway to address the “extra” 30 units in the new 150 hour rule. We are excited about Senate Bill 823 (forthcoming) which we fully expect to contain provisions allowing PAC students to sit for the CPA Exam before posting graduation. This means Chico PAC students have the ability to graduate with 150 quality units and have the CPA Exam passed before they enter the profession. This means even greater marketability for our students.
We invite our alumni to contact us so that we can connect you with the faculty and the students. You always inspire and motivate our students to keep up the good work. You help them to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The hard work does pay off!
Thank you,
Tim Kizirian
Department Chair
Department of Accounting